Community Rules & Guidelines
Please follow the general rules.
- Please be aware that we enforce the Discord Terms of Service
- Abusive or racist comments are not allowed.
- Do not spam in the general chat. A Warning, Mute or Ban may be given.
- NSFW material should only be posted on channels nsfw or shitposting. No pornographic content outside of nsfw. Illegal content is not permitted period. Posting illegal content will result into a ban and a report to Discord staff.
- Please do not advertise without permission from a staff member.
- Be respectful to each other, please.
Please be aware that channels may have specific rulesets that can be found in the channel description & pinned messages. Rules apply to in-server chats, direct messages and voice channels
As a reminder, we additionally do enforce ResetEra policies and decisions here on the Discord. We request that you treat the members on the forums in a positive fashion. Disagreeing with someone is absolutely acceptable. Attacking them, however, will result in administrative actions.
Positive Community Interaction
Welcoming New Members Part of keeping a community friendly and helping it grow involves being an example to others. When you notice a new user in the discord ( via user-log -channel ) and many times evidenced by a white (non-role’d) username, say hi and welcome them to the community. Even if you have nothing else to say, that initial interaction is important for new members to feel welcomed.
Helpful Members Most of our members are good citizens here on discord, and will do their best to participate properly. We do recognize that some users, however, will go above and beyond what is expected. We take pride in recognizing and encourage these members to keep doing what they do. Active helpful users may be given additional user roles, which may allow them additional chat powers.
Heated, difficult, non-productive discussion If discussion in a channel or forum thread becomes potentially confrontational, please do not resort to”attacking” other users in place of their ideas. Failure to do so will result in moderators likely stepping in. Many times, a simple reminder is enough to solve the issue. We highly value differing opinions and do not expect everyone to agree on everything. We do, however, expect our community members to act on good faith and not simply attempt to antagonize other members… here or on the ERA forums.